
Revenge of the Seer (Part 4)

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Creep: Time for another short chapter from the idiotic world of the Seer.
Erik: Sorry guys, I gotta cancel the spork.
Creep: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. D’X It’s so short~
Erik: ...Just kidding. *trollface*
Creep: …*hugs* Anyway, I doubt anyone remembers what the hell happened last time. I think Phineas turned pussy and ran away for like a brief moment before Ferb (his “older brother”) snaps him out of cliche as it gets.
Erik: You don’t remember the huge romance between the mage and Isabella? And how Phineas flipped out over it.
Creep: Nope...I do remember the banana chapter.
Erik: Yeah, I was just joking. OK Kit’s here, let’s get started...
Creep: Got your tea, British!Kitters?
Kit: *sips* Yes, sir. |3 Let’s do this. C|

Chapter 7

Isabella, Baljeet and Buford were sitting near the room in which the Mage was still in when Phineas and Ferb returned. The three had given up on finding something else to do other than search for their friends, and seeing that even that would not result in anything productive

Creep: Basically Ash telling us that they’re just sitting on their asses.....they are literally NOT seizing the day.
Kit: Not even having any interesting conversations while doing nothing... it’s literally nothing.

—when Phineas did not want to be found, no one but Ferb would find him—they decided to wait patiently where Isabella had first been.

Erik: ...Yes...I would have understood this by watching the show. =l

Sure enough, the Flynn-Fletcher brothers

Creep: Wish I could believe Ash, but you keep calling them step-brothers, even in this chapter. =I You’re not consistent enough.

returned together.

Isabella, Baljeet and Buford watched as Phineas walked swiftly back to the room, followed closely by Ferb. The inventor did not look as upset as he had been earlier, but he now had determination in his dark blue eyes.

Creep: The dark blue purple maroon indigo eyes.
Erik: “The Inventor” What other names will you come up with? Seriously, is she going out of her way to do this? Why would you random call him the inventor when he hasn’t invented ONE DAMN THING in the story!
Creep: Also, what inventor? At this point, you might as well stick to “red-head”.

Ferb had obviously said something to bring back his moral.

Creep: Yes, we’re suppose to honestly believe that Phineas actually gave up as fast as he did and renounced his own establish morals....and it took Ferb to talk him into doing the right thing.
Kit: ...Uh huh...Ya know, I always figured Phineas was already someone of heavy moral and non-stop optimism... Is Ash watching the same show as we are? I’m not sure anymore.
Erik: Phineas giving up and Ferb talking. What the hell are you smoking over there, Ash? =)
Creep: You know, in SBTY, it was actually rather dramatic, emotional and had a justified reason for Phineas to give up; he was under time...he was stressed and pressured...and he couldn’t find a quick idea to get his friends off the island without thinking of a plan longer.’s just, “That’s it, I quit. I’m outta of this goddamn story.”.
Kit: Though, would it be hackneyed or appreciated if he rage-quit and tried to escape the story? =w=
Creep: Both....but appreciated just a little more.

Curious to see what would happen, Isabella, Baljeet and Buford rose to their feet and ran in after
Phineas and Ferb.

Mage Simeon was sitting in a sofa chair near the fire, piping some weed in a silver pipe. The room looked like a large library, with bookshelves reaching up to the ceiling. However, there were also elements that suggested it was a study room, such as the desk in the corner complete with scrolls, papers and writing quills, chairs by the fire and, of course, the books themselves. It seemed like the ideal place for a Mage to study.

Creep: As oppose to......?
Erik: In this case wouldn’t it be the same thing?

Phineas walked in until he had reached the center of the room. There, he came to a stop, facing the back of the chair in which the magician was in. Ferb, Isabella, Baljeet and Buford remained near the door, waiting to see what would happen.

Phineas flexed his fingers and inhaled deeply before raising his head. "Teach me," he said quite firmly.

Phineas: Sorry about my brief temper tantrum; I’m cranky if I don’t get my nap. *sucks thumb*

The others, save Ferb of course, seemed shock to hear him change his mind so soon.

Kit: *rereads* ...don’t you mean they seemed ‘shocked’?
Creep: As Ash said, “I don’t care about old grammar problems that I could have easily fixed before I posted this story.”
Ash: Pardon me, Guvna...just my Canadian Engrish showin’ through, eh?
Kit: But that’s not even Canadian Enrish. XD That’s just bad. =w=
Erik: ...That’s the joke. Ash blames her bad grammar on “Canadian English” that doesn’t exist. XD
Kit: I know. |D I counter-joked. XD
Ash: We do shit differutnyl in Cundiadi, Guvna. We does not spellzrt the same stuff tur way.

Simeon pulled the pipe out of his mouth and slowly turned in his chair to look at the young Seer. Phineas clenched his fists for a moment before relaxing his tense muscles again. "If this is what I must do, then teach me," he repeated. "I know I'm young and I know I can be a bit of a cluts, and I know that the journey will test my courage…" He raised his chin. "But I am willing to learn. I won't give up just because of fear."

Creep: Sorry, still nothing like Phineas. I’m literally reminded of a very cliche anime character right now; I dunno which one, but he’s channeling an entirely different genre than this one.
Erik: There’s Ash’s Canadian English showing through again...Klutz* And since when is Phineas a klutz?
Creep: Ummm....never. In fact, he’s actually pretty smart and normal for the most part.

Isabella smiled proudly as Baljeet clapped quietly yet excitedly. The Mage noticed them do so, but did not dwell on them for long. He looked at Phineas silently, as though studying him from the inside out.

Phineas swallowed before taking another deep breath. "That is, if you are willing to teach me, of
course," he added must quieter.

Erik: So this is resolved in a matter of minutes...what was the point of bringing it up?
Creep: To be completely pointless. The two chapters of Phineas running away? Pointless.

The Mage continued to stare at him a little longer until he finally did something that no one expected him to do since they met him: he smiled. And when he smiled, his dark eyes twinkled. "Now that was what I was hoping to hear," he said as he rose to his feet.

Phineas looked about before looking at him again. "That you're willing to teach me?" he wondered.

Erik: No shit. =l

"Not that; what you said before: that you would not give up because of your fears." Phineas seemed startled that this would have caught the man's attention. Simeon walked towards him,
hands behind his back. "Tell me boy, what is your biggest fear?" he asked.

The teenager placed his hands together. "Uh, aside from car accidents," he began, "I'm not sure."

Creep: You have no established fears on the show and you’ve been both racing cars and holding monster-truck rallys.
Kit: *sighs* Even if one used the AU excuse, this wouldn’t fly...
Erik: Quit shoving your head canon out the ass.

"Come, come, Phineas; everyone has a fear. Even people as imaginative and as courageous as you." The man raised an eyebrow.

Creep: Ughhh, this is another pet peeve of mine for Ash; what has Phineas DONE that considers him “imaginative”? He rarely invents, he’s moping in almost every story there is...the only imagination he does is when he’s imagining what life would have been like if Francis was alive. -.-

"In fact, those people tend to have the greatest of fears… So what is it?"

Phineas played with his fingers before looking at Ferb over his shoulder. The green-haired teenager

Erik: Ferb. See? See how I save you typing? Just...Ferb. =l

gestured with his hands that Phineas was to answer. Turning back to face the Mage, Phineas said, "I guess a decided future. When it seems that every mystery has been revealed."

"Be more specific, Phineas."

Kit: Knowing you’re gonna die within the week might be a good example.
Erik: How about....DYING?! Aren’t you pretty damn scared of that right now?!

Phineas looked at him silently for a moment before looking at his hands again. "A negative future," he clarified. "A future that has already been decided for me and revealed… and that I have no power whatsoever to change it."

Creep: ...actually, I believe he’s actually pretty cool when shit happens to him beyond his control.
Erik: Didn’t Phineas say he wasn’t concerned with the future to Baljeet (Baljeet was freaking out over college).
Creep: Yeah, I believe Phineas was more concerned about the “now” rather than the “later”.
Kit: Because the ‘now’ happens way sooner than the ‘later’.

At these words, Simeon straightened out and chuckled, catching Phineas' attention. "Now that is fear," he said. Pointing briefly at Phineas, he added, "And would you believe me if I told you that you are not the first Seer who has come forth with that fear?"

This piece of information made even the others recoil in shock. "I-I'm not?" Phineas said.

Creep: I guess the other Seers were totally cool with dying too...I’m not surprised.
Erik: The other Seers...right...the ones killed by the Cartographer, not the Dark Sorcerer or--fuck it, I’m just gonna call him Jafar.

The Mage shook his head. "In fact, some gave up when I pushed them," he said. "Like I pushed you. Because they were afraid of what was to come. They stormed out, in the same manner as you, and left the house to return to Colornia. Unfortunately for them, the Snitches got a hold of them and brought them to the Dark Sorcerer. They gave up all because I made the consequences and future clear."

Kit: I’m... pretty sure once you leave Colornia, you’re already aware you’re marching to your death... otherwise, you wouldn’t start the march to begin with.
Creep: Again, I question why the Sage keeps summoning Seers if they up and dying so quickly. I feel more like Jafar’s less evil compared to the Sage at this point; he’s not even stopping them.
Erik: I’m still miffed about that Cartographer or w/e.
Creep: Oh yeah, that guy with the multiverse maps. >.>

"But if your advice only pushed them into giving up, why did you do it with me?" Phineas wondered. "I mean, don't you want the Seers to save Cantoria?"

Creep: Ummm....Phineas...YOU’RE the Seers; the other Seers are dead remember? They failed.

"Of course I do."

"But then, why say those things?"

Simeon raised his head. "Because I wanted them to face their fear," he replied.

Kit: ...As opposed to... getting shit done? >< Why FORCE them to face their fears and make them quit when you could make things as easy as possible and actually get things done? Because OBVIOUSLY this ‘making them face their fears’ thing isn’t getting anything done. =-= Why not have Phineas have to face his fear through a convenient plot device/point as opposed to side characters forcing him to?

As Phineas stared at him in silent awe, the Mage grinned and placed a hand over the teenager's shoulders. "Phineas, all the Seers know of their destiny. You are not the first to take on this quest. And you are not the first to attempt to avoid it either. I make these consequences clear so that the Seer can come to understand that, though the future seems dark, it is through them that light will come forth once more."

Creep: I imaginating that the Mage is reading off an old scroll that he’s been practicing to read to Seers because it’s basically like the same thing.
Erik: And basically he’s telling Phineas to kill himself...seriously, why isn’t Phineas more pissed off about this? They kidnapped him and won’t let him or his friends go until Phineas dies on the fucking cross!
Ash: Just roll with it! =3

He gestured for Phineas to reach into his cloak and pull out the Seer Stone. It glowed brightly within the boy's grasp. "You have the power of changing the future, just as everyone else who lives does," Simeon said.

Creep: That’s assuring! THANKS FOR NOTHING! =I
Mage: Except for the fact that you’re required to die. ;)

"But with this stone and the courage you have within you right now, you can do so much more. The magic of the Stone will only work when a Seer believes that it can. Once he believes so, it means that he will face his fear. It doesn't mean that you must forget about what may come or stop doubting; we are mortals; we are imperfect. It is natural for fear to overcome us all.

Creep: Even though, AGAIN, Phineas has faced far far FAR more dangerous and threatening things than just a bunch of demonic dogs and some asshole in a Mickey Mouse wizard hat.
Erik: But now he has to die! =’O
Creep: Yes, because he wasn’t close to die before, right? The movie had him instances of possible death? Maybe 5?

"The reason I pushed you and sounded frustrated was because you, despite your incredibly young age, possess the most innocence I have ever seen in a being before. Innocence, fearlessness, it's all in you.

Creep: Innocence doesn’t mean stupid, Ash; there’s a difference.
Kit: Innocence basically means a lack of outside corruption/sin.... You can be pure and smart.
Erik: When you really think about innocent was Phineas? And remember, he’s NINE...that’s a pretty innocent age to begin with.
Creep: 10. >.> Birthday episode...
Erik: ...9 for most of the series.
Kit: Between 8-11. Somewhere in between there; we’re not having another age debate. XD
Creep: Yes, basically...because I recall him being...not stupid and actually being emotional in other forms of actual emotion. Like being pissed off and being sad, etc.

You have more than enough power to properly use the Stone. Perhaps not enough physical strength, but that will come in time. But if you continue to think about what lies ahead, at least the part that you are certain of, then you will be unable to use the Stone properly. That is why the candles changed at dinner, or why you were constantly interrupting the connection between you and the Stone during training." Simeon grabbed Phineas' hands and placed them around the Stone before pressing it against the boy's chest. "You have more courage in you than any other Seer I have trained. All you have to do is cease to think of a future which is not yet set in stone."

Creep: What’s this?....a unintentional PUN? 0.0;
Erik: Probably the best joke we’ve had and it might not even be intentional.
Creep: A FUTURE....not set in STONE.
Kit: ...*finally gets it* |D
Creep: I love bad puns, but I can’t laugh too hard here.

Phineas looked down at the Stone as the Mage let him go. It glowed dimly, and when Phineas raised his eyes to stare at the magician again, his irises filled with the same light.

Simeon raised an eyebrow while smiling cleverly. "So, are you ready to do some more training, Phineas Flynn?" he asked.

Phineas looked at him silently for a moment before a smile finally crossed over his lips. Eyes still glowing, a determined frown fell over his brow. "Bring it," he replied.
Phineas: See? All I needed was a hug. =3

Simeon held up his hand, and out of a spout of smoke the silver wand that morphed into the Staff of Revelation appeared. The Mage grabbed it and held it out to the Seer. "I believe you will need this," he said.

Creep: About the most cliched ending yet...and yet, THERE’S MORE OF IT! DX


Erik: So...fucking...more filler.
Creep: Wow, this whole chapter made the last two chapters pointless!
Kit: Ya know, this entire thing could have been replaced with Phineas’ training and him getting frustrated with the Mage and needing reassurance THEN... instead of two-three chapters of filler. =-=
Creep: If this was a real video game, I’d be so far past this shit...Iike at the 2nd boss at this point. But if you guys thought there was no more filler and we can finally move on....nah. Next chapter, we’re heading back to Danville, YAY! More antics with the family and everyone else that will, again, have no impact on the overall story!
Erik: Why does Ash go out of her way to make it as long as possible?! That’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you are supposed to do in film and literature!
Kit: You’re supposed to only include the important stuff; whether it be important to plot or character. =-= Length =/= quality.
Creep: Quality over quantity. That’s our moral for today, kiddies. Thanks for reading....keep the peace...keep your pants up....wipe your noses and dance the funky chicken. Good night~ BACK TO THE DOC~
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